Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

We inform Spotech Mall Privacy Policy.

Article 1 (General provisions)


 Spotech Mall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company’): values member information; makes every effort to protect it safely; and complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and government guidelines.


 The company: collects the personal information of members at a minimum when necessary; uses the collected information only within the range notified in advance; and does not use or disclose it beyond the range without prior consent.


Provided that, in the case that it is pursuant the provisions of laws or there is a request according to the procedures and methods stipulated in the laws for the purpose of investigation or inquiry by an investigative agency or administrative agency, the minimum information may be provided through internal procedures without consent. 

 The company informs the members about the use and protection of personal information by establishing the ‘Privacy Policy' and complying with it, and complies with related laws.


The company's 'Privacy Policy' may be amended due to changes in related laws and guidelines or changes in internal operating policies. 

In the event of change in ‘Privacy Policy’, it shall be notified through notices or contact methods such as e-mail, etc. 

If you have any questions about the changes, you can contact the department in charge at any time or visit the website to check the details. 

 Among the contents of Privacy Policy and personal information related contents in the terms of use, the terms of use shall take precedence.

Article 2 (Collection, use and retention of personal information)


 The company collects and uses personal information for the following purposes in order to provide optimized services, and does not use it for purposes other than the agreed purpose or provide it to a third party without consent.


 The company may collect information by giving a prior notice to the users in the event that it is unavoidable to collect and retain resident registration number and bank account number, etc. according to relevant laws such as Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., Basic National Tax Law, Electronic Financial Transaction Act, etc.


 Provided that, in the case that it is pursuant the provisions of laws or there is a request according to the procedures and methods stipulated in the laws for the purpose of investigation or inquiry by an investigative agency or administrative agency, the minimum information may be provided through internal procedures without consent.


 The company does not collect information such as race, place of birth, domicile, ideology, political orientation, criminal record, health status, etc. that may infringe on the basic human rights of users, except for the case when consent of the user is obtained or it is based on the the provisions of laws and regulations.


 Personal information of children under the age of 14 can be collected and used only with the consent of a legal representative. In this case, the company may additionally collect the legal representative's name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address, and identity verifications (CI, DI).


1. Collecting method of personal information


 The company may collect personal information in the following ways.


 - Website, mobile application, mobile web page, written form, fax, telephone, customer center inquiry, event application


 - Automatic collection through generated information collection tool 


2. Purpose of collecting and use of personal information


 The Company shall collect and use personal information for the following purposes. The collected personal information shall not be used for the purposes other than followings and in the event of change in the purpose of use, a prior consent shall be obtained.


 Collected personal information is processed and stored within the period of retention and use of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from the principals of information.


  1) Platform membership registration and service use management


  Personal information is processed for the purpose of : confirmation of intention to sign up for membership, identification/authentication according to the provision of membership service, maintenance and management of membership, identification according to the implementation of the limited identification verification system, prevention of illegal use of services, confirmation of consent of a legal representative when collecting personal information of children under the age of 14, various notices and notifications related to service use, handling of grievances, and preservation of records for dispute resolution, etc.


  2) Handling civil petitions


  Personal information is processed for the purpose of verifying the identity of the complainant, checking the complaints, contacting and notifying for fact-finding, and notifying the result of processing, etc..


  3) Provision of goods or services


  Personal information is processed for the purposes of product delivery, service provision, invoices, content provision, customized service provision, identity verification, age verification, bill payment/settlement, debt collection, etc.


  4) Utilization for marketing and advertising


  Personal information is processed for the purposes of development of new services (products) and provision of customized services, provision of information for event and advertising, provision of participation opportunities, provision of services and insertion of advertisements according to demographic characteristics, verification of service validity, identification of access frequency, or statistics on members’ service uses, etc.


3. Items of retention of collected personal information


 The right and responsibility for the personal information and posts that the member voluntarily discloses in the process of using the services provided by the company lies with the author himself.

Please note that voluntarily disclosed information is difficult to be protected and may be collected or processed without permission by others, and you are solely responsible for any loss or problems resulting from this. Please make sure that personal information is not disclosed in the process of using the service.

 The company does not use personal information for purposes other than the followings, and if the purpose of the service provided by the company is changed, necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent will be taken.


  1) The collected information and retention period of such when using the service are as follows.

Purpose of collecting and use
Items of collecting and use
Period of retention and use
User information
User identification (membership registration)
User identification and adult authentication / member service provision / notice and consultation on service use  / handling civil affairs / confirmation and prevention management of illegal use
Customer Center Consultation Service Use History (Voice Recording)

[Individual Purchasing Member]
Email, password, mobile phone number, name, date of birth, gender, alien registration number, CI, DI

[Individual Selling Member]
Resident registration number (issuance of tax invoices pursuant to Article 32 of the Value-Added Tax Act), account number, bank name

[Corporate Selling Member]
Company type, company name, business registration information (business number, business type, representative name, business type, category, business address, tax invoice email, bank account information, copy of bankbook, signature (seal)
Immediately delete upon membership withdrawal

- Information to prevent illegal use (ID, bad use records) will be deleted from DB in 6 months after the withdrawal

- Records on complaints or dispute handling are kept for 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
Payment and refund of ordered products, delivery/contract details and order history, notification such as notice etc., confirmation and management for prevention of improper use 
[Collection according to the choice of payment method]
Credit card : Card company name, card number, expiration date

                                         Mobile phone: Mobile phone number, operator’s name

                                         transfer: bank name, account number
Deposit without bankbook: bank name, name of depositor

                                         Cash receipt issuance information: mobile phone number, cash receipt card information, resident (business) number
- Customer identification information (CI, DI) to prevent illegal use is deleted from the DB in 6 months after withdrawal

- To preserve transaction records, consumer identification information (CI, DI), paymentcancellationrefund and delivery information are stored for 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
Recipient information - name, contact information, address
Account holder name, bank name, account number
Service usage records
Quality management such as statistical analysis of service use records/Compliance with legal obligations for consumer protection/Checking and prevention management of illegal use/ Dispute settlement between members/ Checking shipping information for product (gift) shipment
Cookies, service use records (visit date and time, IP, bad use records, etc.), device information (unique device identification value, OS version)
IP address, cookie, access date and time, mobile device information (UDID, advertisement identifier, etc.), message ID, safe number service use record (voice recording), other service use records

Immediately delete upon membership withdrawal

- Service usage records are kept for 3 months

(Protection of Communications Secrets Act)

- The safe number service use record (voice recording file) is kept for 1 month
Additional information 
Traditional liquor purchase management
Reporting and managing alcohol purchases
Purchaser's personal information (name, date of birth, address), order information
Delete immediately upon membership withdrawal
Delete immediately upon completion of tax office declaration

- Retain until the quarterly details for mail order sales of alcoholic beverages according to the notification of the National Tax Service is provided to the tax office  (up to 4 months)
Additional information 
Issuance of tax invoice
Business type, category, e-mail for electronic tax invoice issuance, contact for business site or person in charge
Delete immediately upon membership withdrawal
Delete immediately upon completion of tax office declaration
Optional information 
Customer-targeted customized marketing information provision Service usage statistics and survey
Email, contact information (cell phone number), gender, use of other services, transaction records
Delete immediately upon expiration of the period of use, withdrawal of consent to use, or withdrawal of membership 


   The company may collect and use personal information such as text, image, and voice through various service channels. In this case, the purpose of collection and use, items, retention period, etc. are notified and processed by obtaining consent.

    The company collects information such as legally disclosed information on the web, users' service use records (logs) and metadata without restrictions on the purpose or subject of disclosure, and analyzes and utilizes it to provide better services to users. Specifically, ervices tailored to users' interests may be preferentially provided, advertisements tailored to users' interests in marketing terms or provide opportunities to participate in events may be provided. The information collected in this way is not provided or shared with any third party other than the company.

   Members who have agreed to receive advertising information can receive various services and latest information such as events, discount promotions, and new product information provided by the company's related service (Soon).

   If you agree to the provision of information to a third party and purchased the company's product through the affiliate mall, only the minimum information necessary to provide the ordered product/service, such as name, address, and contact information, etc. are provided and processed.

   In accordance with the Income Tax Act, the company may collect resident registration numbers and account numbers, etc. for the purpose of processing taxes and public charges for giveaways, etc.

   A long-term non-use member (dormant member) refers to a member who has not logged in for one year since the last use of the service. The personal information of such member will be stored separately and safely, and information will be sent to the recipient by e-mail at least 30 days prior to the date of separate storage. If a long-term non-use member wants to continue using the service, he or she can activate the account directly on the website or mobile app and log in.

Article 3 (Installation and Operation of Personal Information Automatic Collection Device)


 The company uses 'cookies' to store and retrieve usage information from time to time to provide individual customized services.

Cookies are small amount of information that the server which is used to operate the website sends to the user's computer browser and is also stored in the hard disk of the user's PC. 

 - Purpose of use of cookies Cookies are used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the types of visits and usage of each service and website visited by the user, popular search terms, and whether or not securely accessed, etc.

 - Rejection of installation and operation of cookies : By setting options in the Tools>Internet Options>Personal Information menu at the top of your web browser, cookies can be refused to be saved.

 - If you refuse to store cookies, you may experience difficulties in using customized services.


 In addition, the following information may be automatically generated and collected in the course of service use or business processing.


 -IP Address, date of visit, service use record : Prevention of illegal use, prevention of unauthorized use, development of new services and provision of customized services, etc.

Article 4 (Rejection of agreement to collection of personal information)


 Members have the right to refuse to agree to the collection and use of personal information, and there is no separate penalty in case of such refusal. Provided that, if you refuse to agree to the mandatory consent items, you may not be able to use the service, or you may be limited in providing the service according to the purpose of service use. Moreover, if you refuse to agree to the optional consent items, all or part of the services that can be provided only by using the optional consent personal information items may be restricted.

Article 5 (Provision of personal information to third parties)


 The company provides personal information to third parties only when it falls under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the principals of information and special provisions of the law, etc.

 In other cases if ned for provision of personal information to third parties, it is provided with consent through a reasonable procedure.

 The company provides personal information to third parties as follows.

1. Provision of personal information to third parties


Purpose of provision
Period of use held by the recipient.
Fulfillment of e-commerce agreement

Service provision, buyer confirmation, customer consultation, etc.
Service (product) seller
[Required] Nickname

[In the case of delivery products] Required information for delivery, such as delivery address, recipient, and contact information, etc.

[In case of issuance of tax invoice] Business registration number, trade name, representative name, business address, business type, category, email receiving tax invoice 
Destroy after achieving the purpose of providing goods or services.

(However, it is kept for a legal period in accordance with the provisions prescribed by relevant statutes)
Provide quarterly details for orders for mail order sales of alcoholic beverages according to the notification of the National Tax Service to the tax office 
Competent tax office
[Seller information] Seller’s personal information (company name, business registration number, etc.)

[Buyer information] Buyer's personal information (address, name, date of birth),

[Order information] Order date, product name, quantity, order amount
Destroy after achieving the purpose of providing goods or services.

(However, it is kept for a legal period in accordance with the provisions prescribed by relevant statutes)
Spotech Mall related events, event information, customized information provision, service usage statistics and surveys
SOON Email, contact information (cell phone number), gender, use of other services, transaction recordsIf you withdraw your consent, delete it when you withdraw from the membership.

Article 6 (Consignment of processing of personal information) 

 The company consigns the personal information processing tasks for smooth personal information processing as follows.

 The company specifies the matters regarding prohibition of personal information processing other than the purpose of conducting consigned work according to the Article 25 of personal information protection act. technical and administrative protection measures, restriction on re-consignment, management and supervision of the consignee, responsibilities such as compensation for damage, etc. on the documents such as agreement, et at the time of entering into consignment agreement, and supervises if the consignee processes the personal information safely. Moreover, the information processed by consignment will be limited to the minimum information necc to provide smooth service.

 If the contents of the consigned work or the consignee are changed, we will disclose it through this Privacy Policy without delay.

 Currently, the customer's personal information processing consignee and the contents of its tasks are as follows.

1. Current status of personal information processing consignment


Consignee (trustee)
Contents of consigned work
NICE information service
Identity verification according to the provision of account transfer service
Korea Credit Bureau Co., Ltd
Mobile phone authentication for identity verification for service use, I-PIN (duplicate subscription confirmation information, link information confirmation)
Tos Payments Co., Ltd.
Credit card, account transfer, virtual account payment processing, cash receipt issuance
Tos Payments Co., Ltd. Danal Co., Ltd., Galaxia Co., Ltd.
Mobile phone micropayment processing
CJ Logistics, Rosen Courier, Lotte Courier, Post Office Courier, Hanjin Courier, Kyungdong Cargo/Courier, Daishin Cargo/Courier, KG Yellow Cap CourierService (product) seller
Zendesk (Overseas)
Customer inquiry management :
Transfer country : U.S.A. (San Francisco)

Article 7 (Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information)


 In principle, members' personal information is destroyed without delay when the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved.

 The company's personal information destruction procedures and methods are as follows.


1. Personal information destruction procedure and method


  1) Destruction procedure

  The information entered by the member for service use, etc. is moved to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (a separate filing cabinet in the case of paper) and is stored for a certain period and destroyed according to internal policies and other information protection reasons according to relevant laws (refer to retention and use period). Personal information moved to a separate DB will not be used for any other purpose except in cases where it is required by law.

  2) Destruction due

  The user's personal information will be destroyed: within 5 days from the end of the retention period, if the retention period of the personal information has elapsed; or within 5 days from the day when the personal information is recognised unnecessary, if the personal information becomes unnecessary, such as achieving the purpose of processing personal information, abolishing the service, or terminating the business, etc.


  3) Destruction method

  - Personal information printed on paper: crushed with a shredder or incinerated

  - Personal information stored in the form of an electronic file: deleted using a technical method so that the record cannot be reproduced


  Provided that, the following information is retained for the period specified for the following reasons.


2. Exceptional storage


  1) Reasons for information retention according to related laws and company policies

  If it is necessary to retain the information in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, personal information of users is kept for a certain period stipulated by laws and regulations.

  In this case, the company uses the stored information only for the purpose of storage, and the retention period is as follows.


Reason for retention 
Retention period
Records on contract or subscription withdrawal, etc.
Article 6 of Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree
5 years
Records on payment and supply of goods, etc.
Article 6 of Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree
5 years
Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution
Article 6 of Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree
3 years
Records on access
Article 15-2 of Protection of Communications Secrets Act and Article 41 of the Enforcement Decree
3 months
Records on illegal use
Management of illegal transatcion 
6 months


 ※ Illegal useIllegal use refers to the following cases.

 - Transactions in a method or content that violates laws or the Terms of Service between the company and the user

 - Transactions in methods or contents that infringe on the rights or interests of other companies, members, or others

 - Transactions in methods or contents that harm public order and good morals


 ※ Retention items for illegal use : ID, mobile phone number, email address, date of birth, reason for illegal transaction, member status at the time of withdrawal, etc.


  2) The period of retention and use of collected personal information is from the time when signing the service use agreement (membership registration) to the termination of the service use agreement (including application for withdrawal and ex officio withdrawal). Moreover, in the event of withdrawal of consent, the company destroys the user's personal information without delay except for data stored for a certain period according to the reasons for retaining the information as specified above, and instructs the consignee to destroy the personal information if it is consigned to a third party.


  3) Personal information of non-service users is notified to users in advance in accordance with Article 29 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and personal information is destroyed or separately stored and managed. Provided that, if it is necessary to retain the information in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Protection of Communications Secrets Act and the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the personal information of users is kept for a certain period of time stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations. Provided that, members who choose to maintain their account even if they have not logged in for a long time at the time of membership registration will not be dormant even if they become long-term non-use members, and personal information will be kept until the member directly applies for withdrawal.

Article 8 (Method of Exercising Rights and Duties of Users and Legal Representatives)


 1. Rights of users (or legal representatives)

 The user (or legal representative) can exercise the following rights as the principal of personal information.


  1) The principals of information may exercise the right to view, correct, delete, and suspend processing of personal information at any time with respect to the company, and may withdraw consent to the use of personal information through the membership withdrawal procedure. At this time, the company confirms whether the person making the above request is the person him/herself or a legitimate agent.


  2) The exercise of the rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be done in writing, e-mail, fax, etc. in accordance with Article 41 Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act to the company, and the company will take action without delay. However, member ID (ID), name, resident registration number, and alien registration number cannot be corrected, and changes in name due to name change and resident (business) registration number changes due to administrative issues may be allowed as an exception.


  3) If a user (or legal representative)'s request to suspend processing of personal information falls under the following circumstances, the request to suspend processing may be rejected.

  - If there are special provisions in the law or it is unavoidable to comply with statutory obligations

  - If there is a risk of harming the life or body of another person or unfairly infringing on the property and other interests of another person

  - In the event that it is difficult to fulfill the areement, such as not being able to provide the service agreed with the principal of information if personal information is not processed, and the principal of information did not clearly indicate his/her intention to terminate the agreement


  4) The exercise of rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be done through an agent such as the legal representative of the principal of information or a person who has been delegated. In this case, a power of attorney in accordance with Form 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act is required to be provided.


  5) The rights of the principals of information for requests to view and suspend processing of personal information may be restricted in accordance with Article 35 Paragraph 5 and Article 37 Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.


  6) Request for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as information to be collected in other laws. In addition, in the case of a request for correction of personal information errors, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed, unless the provision of personal information is requested in accordance with other laws. If incorrect personal information has already been provided, we will notify a third party of the result of the correction processing.


  7) In order to protect children's personal information, the company limits the registration of new members for children under the age of 14.

2. Method of withdrawal of personal information, exercise of veto right, and withdrawal of membership


 The scope of view and correction of personal information, method of withdrawal of consent, exercise of refusal to consent to transmission of advertising information and membership withdrawal are as follows.


  1) Scope of viewing and correction of personal information

  - Personal information of users held by the company 

  - Personal information used by the company or provided to a third party

  - Status of consent for collection, use and provision of personal information


  2) Method of withdrawal of consent to the viewing/correction of personal information,  and exercising the right to refuse transmission of advertising information

  - Homepage (web/application) : 

  - Customer Center : 1577-5767


  3) Membership withdrawal

  - Homepage (Web): My Page > My Information > Edit Personal Information > Withdraw Membership


 In addition to the above means, the principals of personal information may also request access to personal information through the website ( of  ‘Comprehensive Support Portal for Personal Information Protection’ of the the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

3. Obligations of users (or legal representatives)


 Users (or their legal representatives) have the right to be protected and the duty to protect themselves as the subject of personal information.


  1) Members must always keep their personal information up to date, and the customer is responsible for any problems caused by inaccurate information entered by the customer.


  2) The company is not responsible for problems caused by the leakage of personal information due to problems on the Internet, etc. beyond our control despite of considerable caution such as hacking by using method or technology which cannot be blocked with to the security measures under relevant laws and regulations, or due to the negligence of the user such as transfer, rental, loss of ID, password, or access media or transplatation whilie logging in, etc. without a cause attributable to the company

  - Status of consent for collection, use and provision of personal information


  3) Method of withdrawal of consent to the viewing/correction of personal information,  and exercising the right to refuse transmission of advertising information


  4) Members must be careful not to leak personal information, such as ID, password, and access medium, etc. and must not transfer or lend it to a third party. The company is not responsible for any damage caused by the member's negligence.


  5) In the event of membership registration by stealing other people's personal information or trading goods by stealing resident registration number, etc., the member may lose his/her user qualifications and get punished according to the Resident Registration Act.


  6) Members are obliged to cooperate with the regular change of password for security in accordance with the company's Privacy Policy.


  7) Members must comply with other personal information laws such as the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.”, “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, and “Resident Registration Act”, etc.

Article 9 (Technical and Administrative Protection Measures for Personal Information)


 In accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the company limits the company's personal information handlers to a minimum, and recognizes the importance of personal information protection through technical measures and administrative measures such as training for personal information handlers.


 1. Technical measures

  1) Members' personal information is protected by a password, and important data is protected through a separate security function by encrypting files and transmission data or using the file lock function.


  2) Members' passwords are stored and managed by unidirectional encryption, and confirmation and change of personal information is possible only by the person who knows the password.


  3) The company is taking measures to prevent damage caused by computer viruses by using a vaccine program. Vaccine programs are updated regularly, and in the event of a sudden virus outbreak, the vaccine is provided as soon as it is released to prevent infringement of personal information.


  4) The company employs security devices (SSL, etc.) that can safely transmit personal information on the network by using a cryptographic algorithm.


  5) In preparation for external intrusions such as hacking, the company is doing its best for security by using an intrusion prevention system and vulnerability analysis system for each server.


 2. Administrative measures


  1) The company limits the access rights to personal information to the minimum number of people. Those who fall under such minimum number are as follows.

  - A person who performs marketing tasks directly with users

  - Persons who coducts personal information protection tasks such as the person who is responsible for personal information protection and the person in charge of personal information protection, etc.

  - Persons who need to handle personal information inevitably for other business


  2) Regular in-house training and outsourced training are provided for employees handling personal information on new security technologies and obligations to protect personal information, etc.


  3) Internal procedures are established to prevent information leakage by humans through security pledges at the time of joining the company, and to audit the employees’ compliance with personal information protection-related regulations


  4) Handover of th work of the person in charge of personal information is carried out thoroughly while maintaining security, and responsibilities for personal information accidents after joining and leaving the company are clearly specified.


  5) The company is not responsible for personal information related problems occurred without the user's mistake or the company's fault. Each member must properly manage his/her ID and password to protect his/her personal information and take responsibility for it.


  6) In the event that personal information is lost, leaked, altered, or damaged due to a mistake by an internal manager or an accident in technical management, the company will immediately notify the fact, take appropriate measures and seek for compensation.

Article 10 (Personal Information Protection Officer)


 The company has a designated person in charge of personal information protection as follows to: be responsible for overall handling of personal information; handle complaints and damage relief from principals of information related to personal information processing, etc. In the event of an accident in conflict with the notice given to the customer in protecting personal information, the person in charge of personal information protection shall assume all responsibilities. Provided that, despite technical supplementary measures, in the event of information damage caused by unexpected accidents caused by basic network risks such as hacking, etc., and various disputes caused by posts written by visitors, the person in charge of personal information protection shall not take any responsibility. 

The person in charge of personal information protection shall be as follows, and he/she responds promptly and faithfully to inquiries related to personal information.



Name of department 
, 1577-5767

Article 11 (Remedies for Infringement of Rights and Interests)


 The following organizations are separate organizations from the company, and if you are not satisfied with the company's complaint handling regarding personal information and results of damage relief, or if you need more detailed help, please contact them.



 1. Organization information 

Contact Number
Personal Information Infringement Report Center.
(without a telephone exchange number) 118
Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee
(without a telephone exchange number) 1833-6972
Supreme Prosecutor's Office Cyber Crime Investigation Team
(without a telephone exchange number) 1301
National Police Agency Cyber Security Guard(without a telephone exchange number) 182



 2. Actions against stolen personal information


 When it is found that a user has signed up for membership by stealing other people's personal information, necessary measures shall be taken without delay, such as suspension of service use for the ID or withdrawal of membership. In this case, as a method of verifying the identity of a user who claims that his/her personal information is stolen, the resident registration card authenticity check service implemented by the e-Government shall be used.

Article 12 (Duty of notice)


 This policy may be subject to additions, deletions, or modifications as the government or company policies change, and in this case, it shall be notified in advance through the website or e-mail 7 days prior to the implementation date, and in the event that such prior notice is difficult, it shall be announced without delay.


 In addition, in the event that the there are any additions or changes to matters that require separate consent from customers in accordance with relevant laws, such as the the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information, etc., such as collection and use of personal information and provision such to third parties, etc., the Company shall obtain a separate consent from the customer in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.




 This policy shall be effective from the date of notice.


 - Privacy policy version number: v.20200313

 - Privacy policy announcement date 2020.11.

 - Privacy policy effective date: 2020.11.

Spotech Co., Ltd.

  • Main Number: 1577-5767
  • Fax: 031-781-2888
  • E-mail:
  • Representative: Jang Eun-young
  • Corporate registration number: 124-86-58044
  • E-commerce business registration number: No. 2021-Gyeonggi Gumi -0000
  • Head office: #215, Building C, 164, Tancheonsang-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (Gumi-dong, Sigma 2 Officetel)
  • Factory: Building 5, 38-10, 1-gongdan-ro 4-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

This project is implemented with support from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the National Sports Promotion Agency.